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This project is a good example of taking a R&D project to the next level and continue past research and into product development. The project goal was to develop a high definition sound in-ear headphone, made entirely in the United States and offering studio-quality sound for a competitive price. OutsideInnovation was involved in most of the project by providing both engineering and management services. We participated in the acoustic design, overall mechanical design, assembly line, quality testing, procurement, supply chain, manufacturing plan, and general project management.


Frequency response.png

Originally, OutsideInnovation was hired to improve the frequency response of the already existing in-ear monitor design. At that point, the acoustic drivers were already fixed and purchased before we took the project. This left us with very little room for maneuver. The only possibility we had left was to modify the physical waveguides, and we took it.

Using predominantly a 'fast fail' empirical approach, iteration after iteration we analyzed and redesigned the waveguide's mechanical characteristics until we found the targeted acoustic response.

Final adjustments were made to the original configuration to refine the sound further and physical imperfections that caused noise.



OutsideInnovation was also responsible for designing the assembly line. We defined the procedures and fixtures necessary to assemble product prototypes in the most effective way possible.
Additionally, we also led the definition of the Final product Manufacturing plan, as well as the first guidelines of the Procurement and Supply chain plan.
All this work allowed to produce hundreds of prototypes whose performance and quality was tested in order to make the final product 'ready to market' meeting the expectations of the client and the investors.

Studio quality in-ear monitor development


©2020 by OutsideInnovation.

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